50 French Bulldog Tattoos in Creative Styles
For years, Bulldogs have been loved for their tenacious spirit and adorable appearance. Like the dogs they are modeled after, French Bulldog tattoos are cool, defiant, and trendy. Whether you have your own Frenchie or simply love the breed, this pet is one of the most popular dog tattoos you see today.
Even though French Bulldogs today often live comfy cozy lives, they were originally bred for bull-baiting – hence their name bulldog. The bull-baiting background leaves Frenchies to be much stouter and more defiant than other dogs of its size.
Despite its grisly background, the French bulldogs quickly became the lapdog of choice all around the globe. Even in society, American women grew to adore these quirky snub-nose dogs for their bat-like ears and straightforward personality.
The French Bulldog’s fighting spirit held through the social pampering, though. Over the years, the English and French Bulldogs have been associated with military prowess. Though these dogs aren’t baiting bulls anymore, it’s likely their strong jaws and stupendous drive still place them among the greats.
Because the Bulldogs carry so much significance in our society, why not choose this animal as your next tattoo? Whether you’re looking for a general dog tattoo or owner of the pet, these Bulldog tattoo styles can definitely give you some design ideas.
Abstract Bulldog Designs
One of the best ways to embody the many meanings behind the French Bulldogs is to get an abstract tattoo. Many abstract French Bulldog tattoos use unique lines and geometric shapes to create the bulldog without giving an exact image of the pet.
The abstract style allows your tattoo to be eye-catching while still paying homage to the breed. Many abstract French Bulldog tattoos use unique lines and geometric shapes to create the bulldog without giving an exact image of the dog.
This abstract tattoo is clearly a French Bulldog, yet it has a unique look because of its geometric features. This abstract take on a bulldog is great for those with minimalistic aesthetics.
This is an abstract approach to a French Bulldog tattoo that still retains a hyper-realistic face. This sort of tattoo is great for people who want the Frenchie’s face as realistic as possible while still having an abstract flair.
Turn your Frenchie into a cartoon with an abstract tattoo. In this example, the French Bulldog looks straight out of a comic but is inked onto the owner’s skin. The placing is interesting too because it forces the dog’s face to be cut in half, further creating an abstract flair of this real pupper.
Here are some extra abstract Frenchie designs to get inspiration from.
Realism Bulldog Designs
If you want the tattoo to look exactly like your furry companion, you’ll want a realistic Frenchie portrait design. These detailed tattoos not only give a nearly identical replica of the breed they’re based on, but they also portray their spirit.
These portrait tattoos aren’t just for Frenchie owners, though. Detailed tattoos look impressive on anyone and make a great tattoo decision as a result.
If you want to commemorate your favorite dog, a realistic tattoo such as this one is the perfect way to display it. You showcase your Frenchie’s adorable pose while adding their name underneath.
If you have multiple dogs and don’t want to show favoritism to your Frenchie, you can get small tattoos of both next to one another. That way, you can take your favorite dogs with you anywhere, as seen in the picture above.
This tattoo shows just how cute your French Bulldog tattoo can be. With realistic colors, your French Bulldog can come to life and look almost like it does in a picture. Scroll down below for some more realistic dog tattoos.
Here’s a cool tattoo that’ll make you smile. It cleverly combines the faces of two popular breeds – a French Bulldog and a Pug – splitting them right down the middle. The artist’s attention to detail is impressive, capturing each dog’s unique features and expressions in a realistic style. This tattoo is great for anyone who shows appreciation and owns two pets.
This tattoo is a perfect little tribute to our French Bulldog friends. The artist has done a fantastic job capturing the breed’s distinctive features – those big bat ears, wrinkled forehead, and squishy nose. It’s small and subtle, sitting nicely on the shoulder, but packs a punch with its realistic detail. For Frenchie lovers, this tattoo is a charming way to keep their favorite pup close, even when they’re not at home cuddling with them at home.
Line Art Bulldog Designs
Line art is one of the trendiest tattoo styles today. By getting a french bulldog line tattoo, you get a trendy tattoo that represents the adorable French Bulldog in a minimalistic appearance.
What’s great about line tattoos is that these tattoos can truly showcase the unique personality of your pet. Whether your French bulldog is active, silly, or lazy, linework tattoos can embody your dog’s personality in style.
This funky tattoo shows just how creative you can be with line art French Bulldog tattoos. One-line designs have become extremely popular over the years, it adds this cool abstract and unique look to the design. You’ll see more of this specific style down below.
Here’s an example of a line art tattoo that has an extremely minimalistic look. At the same time, it’s easy to identify exactly what kind of a dog breed this is from the bold outline etching.
If you just love how cute French Bulldogs are, you can get a line art tattoo that emphasizes their adorableness like in this tattoo.
I know these are English Bulldogs, but I had to include them just so you can see how cool these one-line tattoo designs look.
Colorful Bulldog Designs
If you are a fan of colored tattoos, you will love these vibrant/colorful French and English Bulldog styles. These tattoos add character to the dogs, but they do so in a way that brings a punch of color.
Vibrant/colorful Bulldog tattoos are an ideal choice if you want to combine your pet tattoo with something else you love, such as a flower, costumes, or anything else you can think of. Don’t believe us? Scroll down and see!
Treat your English Bulldog like royalty by decorating her with flowers, hearts, a crown, and anything else she deserves. Not only does this tattoo show exactly where your dog stands in your home, but it is gorgeous to look at too.
If you like colored tattoos but still don’t want anything over the top, you can consider adding splashes of watercolor behind your French Bulldog, such as in this tattoo.
Colorful/vibrant tattoos are the perfect opportunity to make your French Bulldog super quirky. In this tattoo, the French Bulldog wears a Buzz Lightyear outfit, but you could easily turn that outfit into a Hogwarts robe, Elvin cloak, or anything else you could think of.
Adding these cute floral and toy elements to your bulldog can illustrate what the pet love being around.
As you can see, there is a Bulldog tattoo for every personality. Whether you want a trendy line tattoo or a detailed portrait of your favorite furry friend, you can easily find a French and English Bulldog tattoo that embodies what you think of when you imagine your pet.
We hope that these Bulldog tattoo ideas have helped you come up with your next ink design. Good luck!